Designed for BEGINNER birders.
Presenter: Whitney Neufeld-Kaiser, Master Birder
Zoom Class Presentation
Field Trip: (optional – limit 10) Sunday, October 24, 8:00 am, Deer Lagoon
Cost: $20
Mallard by Craig Johnson
Birds are for everyone, and they are everywhere! They live and love in towns and on farms, in parks, and along shorelines. If you’ve gotten curious about the birds around you and want to learn more, how do you get started? Where do you go to see interesting birds? How do you find the birds, once you get there? Should you go alone or with a small group? Do you actually need to “go” very far? Using 10 (or so) charismatic birds found on Whidbey Island as inspiration, we’ll explore resources you can use to learn about birds and plan your birding excursions. We’ll touch on strategies on how to go from “Duck” to “Gadwall”, though bird ID won’t be the focus.
The optional field trip is limited to 10 people. You will have a chance to indicate if you would like to attend the field trip during the registration process. Ten individuals will be selected in the order of their registrations.
Registration will close at 12:00 PM PST, October 19th, the day of the first session. We will email you your Zoom link shortly after registration closes and prior to the start of the session. Contact with questions.
Registration is closed.
About Whitney Neufeld-Kaiser
Whitney Neufeld-Kaiser is a Master Birder and volunteer teacher for Whidbey Audubon. She's lived in Seattle for over 25 years and has been a birder for 20 of those. Whitney spends her weekdays working in a genetics lab at the University of Washington and tries very hard to spend at least part of her evenings and weekends listening to, observing, and being with birds.