Everybody knows a Mallard, right? And Northern Shovelers are those guys with big bills. But do you *really* know your waterfowl, even the so-called easy ones? Can you identify each species by gender, in eclipse, in flight, and by voice? Western Washington is the winter home of more than three dozen different species of swans, geese, and ducks. It *is* possible - and fun! - to know them all, in all their guises. Let master birder Connie Sidles show you how to ID these webbed wonders while she takes you on a virtual journey into their lives.
Winter Waterfowl – Five sessions Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. Registration will begin on Sept. 23, 2022. Sessions will open up early, at 6:45 PM, for discussion/questions/sharing.
Class cost for five sessions:
WAS Members: $125
Non-members: $150
Go here to register: The Wonders of Winter Waterfowl — Whidbey Audubon Society
Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn for two birds commonly seen in Whidbey Island waters during the winter:
Common Goldeneye Female
Photo: Gregg Thompson
Barrow’s Goldeneye Female
Photo: Gregg Thompson
Constance Sidles is a master birder, a former board member of Seattle Audubon Society, a current member of Seattle Audubon's Conservation Committee, chair of Seattle Audubon's Publications Committee, an environmental educator, and an author who has written four books about nature. Her most recent book is entitled Forty-Six Views of Montlake Fill. It's a book of poems and Sumi-e paintings about how to find joy in the connections we make with nature and with each other. You can find it at Seattle Audubon's Nature Shop, or you can order it online from Constancy Press. Connie graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in Egyptology, which proved to be enlightening but not lucrative. Instead of working on ancient cultures, Connie has spent her time working on current issues, especially environmental preservation.