Whidbey Audubon Timeline


October 13:  Initial organizing meeting.  Nineteen members of the Seattle Audubon Society living on Whidbey Island met at the home of Horace and Mary Bradt. Present were Richard Martyr of the Northwest Regional Office of Audubon and Hazel Wolf, Secretary of the Seattle chapter.  Minutes of the meeting.

The board decided to base the chapter's logo on the Great Blue Heron because of the large number of them on the island.  


January 14: First membership meeting.  Members viewed a film titled Wild America, Who Needs It? and discussed field trips and programs.  Marv Seeyle and Rick Nash reviewed logo designs and selected one designed by Herbert Parsons of Anacortes, an art instructor at Skagit Valley College.

February 11: Second membership meeting.    Merle Segault read a letter from the Audubon regional representative Daniel Taylor enclosed with the chapter's provisional charter.  The permanent charter would go into effect in one year.  At the same meeting, the members approved Parson's logo.  The first elected board consisted of the following:

President Vince Hagel, VP Dorothea Jones, Secretary Merle Segault, Treasurer Connie Allin, Conservation Roger Allin, Education Mark Guidry, Field Trips KC Jones, Membership Lois Beaubien, Newsletter Nancy Arnold, Programs Hank Hansen, Publicity Charlene Arnold, and Historian Judy MacDonald

Shortly after, Jack McPherson suggested ShoreLines as the name for the newsletter.

Crockett Lake Drainage
When Whidbey Audubon was founded, the Crockett Lake controversy was ongoing.  At some point in the island's history, a drainage district was created to allow the ground to be used for farming.  In the 1970’s developers sought to repair the tide gates to make the property buildable and a court order gave them permission to do so.  But a local organization called Save Whidbey Island for Tomorrow (SWIFT) successfully sued in Washington State's Supreme Court to preserve the lake as an important wildlife habitat.

But in 1982 SWIFT noted that the lake's level was falling and pressured the state Department of Ecology to stop the drainage. Whidbey Audubon assisted in this campaign.

Al and Nancy Arnold, Hank Hansen, and Roger Allin represented the conservationist viewpoint during the long hours of hearings that went into Island County's Comprehensive Plan.

Whidbey Audubon began participating in the annual national Christmas Bird Count.


Al Arnold presented Audubon's position regarding the Shoreline Master Program to the county government.


On December 21, a ship leaked 5000 gallons of number 6 fuel oil in Admiralty Inlet, 1500 of which washed onto Whidbey beaches.  Members helped rescue birds and contributed to the Whidbey Wildlife Clinic.


Frances Wood began a long-term study of pigeon guillemots.  Trained volunteers monitor twenty nesting colonies, supported by the Island County Marine Resources Committee.


On the evening of April 10, Whidbey Audubon celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Provisional Logo.gif
1982 Logo.gif
1994 Logo.gif